So! For this one I made a few diffrent Versions of sitting.īut, incase you can't really recongize what the third socks are supposed to be, it's cat socks/Leggings. The command for it could be something like '/sit' and for the Versions I made, '/sit 2' '/sit 3' and '/sit sleep' for diffrent face expressions it could just be adding faces (like :D for example) at the end. I didnt really make alot but, I can explain some I'd also like to see! Short Twintails, Long twintails and a few more hairstyles based off characters from the Show. So for the first one I really dont know what to say about it.
But, for the second one I thought it could be activated by saying emotes like these ':)c' The other one is obiviously an kiss Animation, not much to say about it either. The first one might be a bit hard to recongize but it's a beret. So, remember the Little Pony plushies? Well, this is somewhat similar to them. I think it would be a really cute Feature. But, of course it would look weird if it just slided beside you. So, a little walk Animation for it would be nice, but not SUPER necessary.